Welcome to 1dollarbuzz

1$Buzz brings all your financial goals together online or on your mobile device, manage transactions online with ease, lets you set foreign or local currency and helps you achieve your financial goals.

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Perfect system, no buying, no selling, tons of gift items...

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  • Contact 1$BUZZ

Mailing Address, USA Mailing Address, Nigeria          
3824 Ferndale Avenue, P.O.Box 19224          
Baltimore, MD 21207 Ikeja, Lagos          

Our customer service line is available 24/7. Click Here To Chat Online

Tel: 1-443-982-0100
Admin After Hours
Timi +1-410- 645-0596
Michael +234-08098017960


Are you skeptical about using your credit card online? Why not use our reliable and trusted Alert Pay/Liberty Reserve agents to create and fund your account.
You also get a free step by step manual on how to build a large and successful 1dollarbuzz organization for free.

Every Entrepreneur
Tel: +8053537556
Email: everyentrepreneur@gmail.com

Tel: +8038641140
Email: uchieonline@yahoo.com

Make FREE local and international calls with your mobile phone OR for 0.01+ cents per minute.